Process of Admission

Students must be accepted to JPII through a formal admissions process. Both parental involvement and student cooperation is essential for JPII to fulfill its mission. Therefore, as a condition of acceptance to this school, the parents and students applying for admission, and those admitted, must fulfill the following requirements:

Agree to provide JPII with a completed application form for each child applying for admission, along with transcripts and transfer credit requests from previous schools or homeschool.

Agree with the Mission and Statement of Faith of JPII. If there is any point of contention or concern with either of these items, they must be satisfactorily resolved with the Head of School.

Agree that the family’s affiliated church promotes teaching and doctrine that is in keeping with the JPII Statement of Faith and does not include teaching or doctrine that is contrary to the Statement of Faith. For families from other Christian faiths, parents and students must agree to support our Statement of Faith.

Agree to accept responsibility for their child’s behavior at school and supervision at-home.

Agree with and support the school’s procedures for handling student discipline.

Agree to read the Handbook, sign the Handbook Acknowledgement Form, and abide by the policies therein.

Agree to use a Christian Conciliation Service if ever necessary.

Agree to provide continually updated immunization records and/or submit the appropriate religious and/or medical exemptions as approved by the state of Missouri for your child.

Agree to allow child’s picture to be taken for school promotional material as well as the Yearbook.

Agree to allow family name and phone number to be listed in the JPII directory.

Acknowledge responsibility to purchase the entire required uniform and supplies for their student(s) prior to the first day of classes.

Agree to review assignment sheets, assignment notebook, family Gmail, and/or Gradelink daily and ensure that all assignments and projects are completed on time.

Agree to abide by policies regarding uniform, electronics, and off-campus privileges.

Create and maintain an account with “SignUpGenius” for access to school-created sign-up sheets.

Regularly check the parent account and student account on Gradelink.

Agree to abide by the guidelines established by the Archdiocese and the Safe Environment Program. All parent volunteers must complete the Prevent and Protect certification requirements.

Agree to attend all scheduled meetings relating to school and student business.