Hybrid High School

Hybrid Middle School

Hybrid Grade School

JPII: The Model

Saint John Paul II Preparatory School is a hybrid education program. Our program includes a rigorous classical curriculum, character development, spiritual formation, and extracurricular activities. The hybrid model embraces the best aspects of traditional schools and the advantages of a homeschool.

Because the family represents the domestic church, JPII is designed as a supportive tool for the parents in educating their children by offering an authentic Catholic curriculum taught by qualified teachers. Parents continue to play an integral and irreplaceable role in their children’s formation. JPII is the ideal setting for families that desire flexibility and parental involvement with a focus on rigorous academics and strong Catholic faith formation. Our educational approach develops capable and independent students, strengthens family bonds, and lowers costs for private Catholic high school education. This program is built to allow greater individualization of the educational experience within the framework of both a family environment and a professional atmosphere, with reliable and authentic religious formation permeating each setting.

Our dual emphasis on the family and the school supports the natural role of family and the educational needs of students. For parents to succeed in their all-important task of discipleship, it is essential for families to experience meaningful time together. JPII gives time and access back to parents in exchange for trust in and commitment to the program of the school. Such involvement, when lovingly and joyfully administered, leads to success for the entire community in teaching the highest virtues of faith, hope, and love. A committed partnership between parents and teachers is imperative for making home and school integration possible, practical, and successful.