Catholic Faith Mass Confessions Prayer

Catholic Families

Saint John Paul II Preparatory School (JPII), as a Catholic school in union with the Roman Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, professes to uphold all the teachings of the Catholic Church as pronounced by the Magisterium and taught through the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is assumed that Catholic families seeking admission support JPII in this profession and would only contribute to the harmonious spirit needed for their children to fully benefit from the education offered at JPII. Parents and students are required to sign a Statement of Faith, professing their agreement to support this mission.

Families of Other Faiths

Families of Christ-centered faiths professing the Apostle’s Creed are welcome. When families of other faiths are accepted it is understood that they support the policies contained herein. Parents of children of other faiths, as do Catholic parents, further agree that their children are not permitted to malign the validity of Catholic teachings on faith and morals. However, honest inquiry is encouraged for all.

Service Hours

High School students are obligated to complete 100 total service hours for their school and community during their time at JPII. Students may inquire as to the acceptance of their intended service by contacting the Academic Dean. Forms for tracking service hours and for signature by the adult in charge of the service activity may be obtained in the school office. Service hours required for high school students: 9th Grade: 10 hours 10th Grade: 20 hours 11th Grade: 30 hours 12th Grade: 40 hours

Resolving Troubles Charitably

At JPII we all pledge to conduct every communication with each other with the utmost in charity. We must carefully guard against gossip and detraction and should refrain from all negative talk about clergy, faculty, students, and other parents. Whenever issues arise, whether with a teacher, student, or other adult, we seek to follow the scriptural model for addressing it: “If your brother should commit some wrong against you, go and point out his fault, but keep it between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over” (Matt. 18:15).


The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the greatest act of worship that the Christian can partake in. As such, Mass is a part of the school day. Familiarizing ourselves with Christ in the most intimate way possible, through the witness of his Passion and reception of Him is summit of spiritual practice.

Students are encouraged as well to arrive to school early on non-Mass days to attend the daily masses offered at each campuses parish.


The Holy Sacrament of Confession is offered regularly during the school day. Any student wishing to go to confession is encouraged to and will be allowed to leave class at the teacher’s discretion.


Prayer, as set before us by Christ’s own example, leads us into the mystery of the Eternal God so that we might receive Divine Assistance. Thus, all school days begin and end with prayer. During the morning assembly, students are brought together for prayer. All pray together before lunch and before afternoon dismissal. All students are encouraged to find time to pray on their own as well during the day. If they so desire, they can go to the chapel and pray there during lunch or recess, before morning assembly, or after school. Through prayer our love grows.