Teacher Onboarding Templates

Educational Mission

The school adheres to the Catholic Faith as set forth in the Magisterium of Scripture and Tradition. To this end, the Board of Directors, Director and Head of School, deans, faculty, and staff are required to take an Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium and make a Profession of Faith to the Holy Roman Catholic Church. A signed copy is kept in the personnel file. Students and parents sign a Statement of Faith. The Board of Directors, Director and Head of School, deans, faculty, staff, parents, and students are in agreement with the tenets of the Catholic Faith because they define the Catholic identity of the school. The school expects the Board of Directors, Director and Head of School, deans, faculty, and staff to know, adhere to, accept, and demonstrate the standards of Catholic moral teaching in all its particulars.

Principals, deans, faculty, and staff demonstrate the practice of the Catholic Faith.

Saint John Paul II Preparatory School bases its educational philosophy on four main components: (1) adhering to the teachings of the Catholic Faith, as set forth in the Magisterium of Scripture and Tradition (2) preparing each student for earthly and eternal life, (3) emphasizing the parents’ role as primary educators as ordained by God, and (4) supporting the teachers’ role as academic and spiritual leadership models.

Mission of Teachers

To provide students with excellence in education, both academically and spiritually, in order to prepare them to become faith-filled adults who will live and defend the Catholic faith with confidence and joy.

Because of our mission, JPII Teachers strive for academic and spiritual excellence themselves, so that they can model for students how to live as a Catholic adult engaging with the world and sharing the truths of Christ and his Church. To that end, it is crucial that all JPII teachers adopt the role of a true educator, not merely a teacher who imparts information. JPII wants teachers who are passionate about what they teach, who enrich themselves in the subject beyond the degree of what they impart in the classroom.

The Role of Teachers

Teachers are hired by the school to be models of Christian values; they exercise the unconditional love of Christ, expertise in the classroom, and leadership in the community. Teachers are to work very closely with parents to ensure the youngest students learn and complete at-school and at-home materials.

As the students mature and gain responsibility, teachers, students, and parents coordinate via classroom assignments, direct communication with teachers, and our online platform. Our instructors strive to work together with the parents to produce independent learners who are secure in their Catholic faith, disciplined in their academic habits, and generous in sharing their talents with others.

Relations with Other Educating Agents

The family is the primary but not the only and exclusive educating community. Man's community aspect itself-both civil and ecclesial-demands and leads to a broader and more articulated activity resulting from well-ordered collaboration between the various agents of education. All these agents are necessary, even though each can and should play its part in accordance with the special competence and contribution proper to itself.

The educational role of the Christian family therefore has a very important place in organic pastoral work. This involves a new form of cooperation between parents and Christian communities, and between the various educational groups and pastors. In this sense, the renewal of the Catholic school must give special attention both to the parents of the pupils and to the formation of a perfect educating community. Familiaris Consortio

Discipline Procedures

In order to promote good discipline, JPII will strive to enable students to feel loved and accepted, to know and accept the boundaries for behavior, and to understand how to avoid repeating wrong decisions or actions. The key to JPII’s discipline will be to give students support and direction, while working in harmony with the parents. JPII staff will practice “preventive” discipline through the use of positive teaching techniques.

Each teacher has the responsibility to enforce classroom and school rules. The administration will be available to assist as needed. Students will be treated fairly and equitably. Disciplinary procedures will always take into account the student’s age, attitude, and the seriousness of the offense.

If the administration has a reasonable suspicion of violation of the Code of Conduct, then JPII administrators reserve the right to search a student’s cubicle, desk, backpack, lunch bag, or any other personal item brought onto the premises.

In the event of student misbehavior, teachers will enforce their standard classroom management plan. If the situation is ongoing or seriously disruptive, teachers will issue an infraction card to the Dean. The Dean will notify the Director and Head of School and parents of the student. The Dean or Director and Head of School will discuss the infraction with the student as soon as possible. The Dean or Director and Head of School will issue an appropriate consequence.

Whenever there is an Infraction, we will:  Notify Parents.  Require the student to apologize to those wronged and make restitution.