School Technology Policy

Phone Policy


Google Classroom



Electronic Devices

An electronics policy form accompanies this Handbook. It is included with the Handbook Forms and must be signed and returned to the office.

JPII is a “student screen-free zone”. We want the environment of JPII to facilitate interpersonal relations. Students will not have access to their personal cell phones, iPods, watches, eReaders, computers, and other electronic devices, including ear buds and headphones, within the building. This includes before and after school.

All students that own a cell phone in grade 6-12 will turn their phone in at the Main Office upon arrival to school. Grade school students are not allowed to bring electronics at all. All other electronic devices must also be turned in at the Main Office upon arrival.

Phones are not to be left in a student’s backpack or car.

All devices must be powered off by the student prior to entering the building. All devices will be placed in a labeled pocket and locked in the office. Students can collect electronic devices when leaving the building at regular dismissal or following after-school activities.

If the Electronics Policy Form indicates that a student owns a cell phone, and the phone has not been turned in at the beginning of the day, a parent will be notified.

Students can collect electronic devices when leaving the building at regular dismissal or after school activities.

Students found with an unauthorized phone or any electronic device will relinquish the device. Parents will pick it up and pay a $25 fine for the first offense, a $50 fine for the second offense, and a 3rd offense will result in disciplinary action beginning with in- or out-of-school suspension and possible expulsion for continued violation.