Uniform Code JPII.pdf

Importance of Modesty and Chastity

Modesty is the sub-virtue of the virtue of Chastity, opposing lust. Cultivating modesty in dress and behavior in both men and women improves the overall happiness and well-being of the human person, as it draws us closer to God by making us more Christ-like. JPII takes seriously the dress code.

The body is a gift from God and is to be treated with proper reverence and respect, guarding the gift as it is essential to the human person. At JPII, we show respect to ourselves, our neighbors, and school by wearing the uniform proudly, walking, dancing, and singing in ways which uphold the culture of the school. Hence, the importance of modesty in dress and behavior.

The body, as the expression of the person, was the first sign of the presence of man in the visible world. In that world, from the very beginning, man was able to distinguish himself, to identify himself, as the visible factor of transcendence, in virtue of which man, as person, surpasses the visible world of living beings (animalia).…Thus, in the mystery of creation, the human body carried within itself an unquestionable sign of the “image of God.” —St. Pope John Paul II, Theology of the Body.

Dress Code

Saint John Paul II Preparatory School’s dress code is designed to promote unity. Requiring a uniform adds to the professional atmosphere at JPII, enhances students’ formation, and prepares students to represent themselves well in their future. The dress code is also intended to encourage modesty.

Girls’ skirts should touch the knee. We respectfully request that parents help us to be diligent in maintaining a professional and modest school environment.

All full-time and part-time students should adhere to JPII’s school dress code while on campus, both in the classroom during the school day and during JPII sponsored after-school activities. When off campus for any event, students should be dressed in appropriate attire that displays the spirit of the dress code and follows modesty guidelines. Students should seek to dress in a tidy and modest Christian manner that reflects their dignity and their pride in the JPII community.

JPII staff may determine the appropriateness of a student’s clothing or appearance and may request that any student who is not dressed appropriately follow the steps listed under “Dress Code Enforcement.” The Administrator may grant exceptions to the dress code if desired for special dress days.


The dress code will be enforced as follows:

First Offense: When students do not comply with the uniform code, a teacher or dean will write an infraction card, resulting in a call or email to the parents by the Dean. A corrected uniform piece may be provided for the duration of the day. If so, parents will be charged for purchase or loan. The uniform offense is expected to be rectified by the following school day unless other arrangements are made directly with the Dean or the Director and Head of School.

Second Offense: As above, in addition, student will serve a 30-minute lunchtime or after-school detention that day.

Purchasing Information

Land’s End – www.landsend.com

The High School Girls Skirt MUST be purchased through Land’s End.

All uniform pieces are available from and may be purchased through Land’s End.

When ordering from Land’s End, please use our Preferred School Number: 900135096