Post-JPII Success

Ultimately at JPII success means achieving sainthood and everlasting life. First and foremost therefore, we want our graduates to be Catholics who understand their faith and know how to nurture and defend it in the midst of an uncertain and often antagonistic world. Our successful graduates will forge lives that are unbroken acts of love and communion with God and their neighbor through daily prayer, frequent participation in the sacraments of the Church and by bringing a Christian influence to the communities where they live and work. We see these expressions of love most prominently in the generosity with which so many of our graduates pursue and offer themselves to the vocations of marriage, religious life, and the priesthood. Our goal is that their time at JPII has ignited a fire of apostolic zeal, and that they will be the leaders in re-evangelizing our society. In a society that is among the largest in history and incorporates a rapidly expanding number of careers and lifestyles, this evangelization must span many walks of life and JPII’s hybrid model is ideally suited to preparing all students to pursue and hone their areas of strength and fulfillment. The initial routes to success for JPII students nevertheless typically follow one of three paths.

Newman Guide Colleges

Many of our students pursue further education at institutions that are recognized by the Cardinal Newman Society as committed to providing a faithful Catholic education. Here our alumni can advance in the studies they began at JPII and continue to develop as Catholic young adults through access to orthodox teaching and formation, access to the sacraments, and by living in community with other faithful young Catholics. JPII graduates have studied at ten of the fourteen residential colleges in the United States recognized by the Newman Guide. They have found that the classical and hybrid education they received at JPII has given them an excellent foundation to study the materials they encounter and manage their time prudently to achieve academic success while benefiting from the social opportunities available to them.

Community College and Technical Programs

Many of our students also continue their studies at local community or technical colleges. Some students enroll in these programs to complete some of the credits they will require for a four-year degree at a more affordable cost and others pursue technical programs and certifications. JPII’s recent recognition as an A+ Missouri school means that students who fulfill certain requirements can attend two years of community college completely free. This opportunity will dramatically increase the number of JPII alumni who can access fruitful, but increasingly expensive higher education programs in an affordable way.

Science Programs at Secular Institutions

A number of our graduates also pursue degrees in STEM fields at secular colleges and universities. Often these institutions provide the JPII graduates who want to enter these fields with access to the best funding and resources to pursue these vocations. These alumni are well-fortified by their Catholic formation to maintain their faith in these environments and again find that JPII’s hybrid model has provided them with the tools to excel academically. Alumni who follow this route have successfully pursued studies in nursing and medicine, robotics and aerospace engineering, animation and cinematography, computer science, psychology, and finance.